IPL Photofacial

What is IPL and how does it work?

Our providers were the first in the Lafayette area to offer the state-of-the art Palomar Icon™ Aesthetic System for her patients.  This system offers the next generation in powerful Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) technology to remove even the most persistent facial redness and dilated veins.  It is even superior to pulsed dye laser treatment.  The MAX G™ treatment works by sending a low-energy beam of light directly into the affected skin, while maximizing both patient comfort and safety at all times.  Facial redness, unwanted pigmentation (melasma), dull skin tone, and fine wrinkles can all be improved with fewer, more comfortable treatment sessions!

For many patients frustrated with topical and/or oral medications to treat rosacea or melasma, IPL is the preferred treatment method for long-lasting results.  These laser and light therapies can be used alone or in combination with other lasers and/or with skin fillers.  Patients are often amazed that IPL offers such dramatic results with no downtime!


What does it feel like?  

It is generally described as tolerable discomfort.  Some patients say it feels like warm pinpricks or rubber band snaps on the skin.  We do offer topical numbing cream and ice to make our patients feel more comfortable during treatment if needed.


How many treatments will I need?  

On average, most patients should expect 3-5 treatments spaced about 4 weeks apart.  A recent clinical study showed 83% of patients experienced reduced redness, 75% had less flushing and improved skin texture, and 64% reported fewer acne-like breakouts after five treatment sessions.  Patients often notice marked reduction in dilated blood vessels and brown pigmentation after only one or two treatments.


Am I a good candidate?  

Our aesthetic team will evaluate your skin and treatment options with you during your visit.  If you are considering IPL, it is important to keep a few points in mind.  While some patients experience dramatic results and these can be long lasting, IPL does not cure rosacea or melasma.  You still need to continue to see your dermatologist for further IPL treatment and avoid your personal rosacea or melasma triggers.  Sun avoidance and daily sunscreen use are extremely important!  Patients who have a clotting disorder, keloid history, or insulin-dependent diabetes are not candidates for IPL due to decreased wound healing and increased infection risk.  Also, it is not recommended during pregnancy.  


What are reasonable expectations for results?

Realistic expectations are essential. Most patients do see improvement; however, with any medical procedure there is always  the possibility that you will only see a minor change.  To date, dermatologists have found that people with lighter skin who limit their sun exposure after the procedure tend to have better results.


Why is sun avoidance so important?  

Sun exposure can dramatically cause or worsen both rosacea and melasma.  This is why some patients suffer from both conditions.  IPL treatment success depends on several factors —skin type, condition of your skin, lifestyle, and the amount of sun exposure you get following the procedure. For example, not protecting your skin from the sun after treatment can provoke a strong reaction and possibly worsen your skin condition. 


How much does it cost?  

Typically, IPL treatments are not covered by medical insurance.   You can expect an average of 3-5 treatments spaced apart every 4 weeks for optimal results.  Follow-up treatment may be necessary to maintain the results, however, this usually is only once or twice yearly.  Please call our office at 337-456-3323 with any questions or concerns.  We are here to help you make an informed, confident decision.

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